Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pins and needles....

Diana is having her baby today...she has been in labor since around 7 last night and called to tell me the news just as I was heading to bed. Of-course, talking to her stirred up so much excitement that I slept very little last night. Maybe 4 hours all together between anticipation and Ellie waking too. Brian and Diana are keeping everyone in the loop via their blog, which I checked into so many times last night! I actually just kept Ty's laptop by my bed and checked in for updates whenever I was awake. I have to say that I LOVE technology! Brian's blogging helps us all feel like we are sharing in her delivery, even when we are hundreds of miles away! I have been glued to the computer all day!! So neat!! But I'm a tired momma today! I just checked into their blog a few minutes ago though, and she is now at 10cm and ready to go! Yay! They will be meeting their precious little girl in no time!

This all makes me marvel at the miracle of life! With every new baby that is born into my circle of friends, I never cease to be humbled and awed by the complexity and miraculous nature of God. That He can knit us together...each and every intricate part of us...every minute detail...and then breathes life into our bodies at the moment of is simply incomprehensible. And amazingly beautiful. Diana and Brain will witness this miracle for themselves very shortly, and just like all of us who have children, they will never be the same!

"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him." Psalm 127:3

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