Friday, January 25, 2008

A love-hate relationship..

I decided today.....I have a love-hate relationship with the age of three. Somedays, I loathe the newfound 'attitude' that my Luke totes around and then other days, like today, I adore everything that embodies a three year old.....the playfulness, the pretending, the logic. Today was a particularly good day. He listened well, played well, ate well, and was just such a joy to be around. We had a fun time together....despite being cooped up together in this house day after day. Between the rain and the cold we've been passing around, we have had many, many, MANY days just hanging around at home. Even our attempt to make it to Gym yesterday was foiled because too many of the kids in the class called in sick. :( But today was good.

We spent the first part of the morning lounging in our pajamas, watching TV and goofing around. I 'played' with my camera while Luke watched Curious George, and Ellie was more than happy to be my model. :)



Ellie demonstrated her new skill of sitting up too! We have to put the boppy behind her, just in case though....she's still a bit wobbly yet!
And of-course she had to take a little nibble on those cute toes of hers!

After we tired of the tv and pictures, Ellie went down for her morning nap while Luke and I took advantage of some quiet time together and played Play-Doh for a LONG time. He received a new, fancy play-doh set for his birthday(thanks again, Tami!) and today just seemed like the perfect day to break it in. It definately was a hit!

Once Ellie was up again, she played in her Jumperoo while Luke wrapped up his doh-activities. Here's a little clip of Ellie flirting with me...sorry...I realized after I uploaded it that it was kinda long! And the lighting was pretty bad! Oops!

We spent some time tiddying up the house and then dancing around the family room before lunch. I think Luke might end up on Dancing with the Stars someday! :) hehehe! Ty would say he definately dances like like a white boy! :)

Then it was lunch, naps, and the gym for me, once Ty got home from work. Not too shabby for a day that I originally thought would drag on! Ty will be heading to San Diego for most of the day tomorrow for some trainings for work, so I'm hoping our morning is as good as today!! Luke is looking forward to a special outing with Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow afternoon to see a fun puppet show at the library (I guess the man putting it on worked with Jim Hensen productions and the puppets are more like Muppets than what one might think of in a 'traditional' puppet). And THEN.....tomorrow night is date night for Ty and I! :) Yipppeee!! I'm very much looking forward to a quiet dinner with my honey! Meemaw will come to watch the kiddos so we can go out! Grandparents rock, don't they!?


Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL photos... It is worth staying in JUST for those. Priceless.

Auntie Sarah

Anonymous said...

Ellie is getting so bit - so grown up! I love all the pictures and especially the videos.

Enjoy date night!


Anonymous said...

Hehehe those videos are too cute! I just had my little "update" on you guys...has been a while since I've been able to read...congrats to your friend!...and that chicken story is hilarious! Hope that you all are feeling better! I hate being sick! Well anyways, I guess that I'll be goin for now!
Much Love,

bennett baby blog said...

hi kris, it's kim from cardinal. i just wanted to say thank you for your words of encouragment and especially for your prayers for our baby. i was able to come home from the hospital last night and so far so good. hopefully we can keep baby in for a few more weeks but i know that God has everything under control. it means a lot that you and Ty have been keeping our little one in your prayers. you have a beautiful family. thanks again and please say hello to Ty for me.