Sunday, January 20, 2008

A budding photographer....

Friday was my day to attempt to take Ellie's 5 month birthday pictures. And while I wasn't very successful in capturing her 5-month old cuteness (she has been quite sick with a cold/cough for several days and was NOT in the mood to be photographed), I did learn that Luke is quite the budding photographer. :) He was not all that interested in being in front of the camera, but kept asking me over and over if he could take pictures of me. So, figuring he couldn't do much harm to my camera if it was set up on my tripod, I taught him how and when to press the shutter button, and then set Ellie and I up in front of the lens. And wouldn't ya know! He didn't do too bad!! (Not that pressing the button when everything is all set up for you is hard work, but he IS three, ya know!) We actually had a lot of fun! He had a blast telling me to smile and say "Cheese" and I had fun being silly with my Ellie-Belle. Here are several of his shots (photoshopped by yours truly, of-course!) :)


After that, Luke, Ellie and I possed for a shot or two with the self-timer. I had to have at-least one picture of the three of us together!
Photobucket can tell Ellie isn't feeling so hot! She began to 'melt' after that, so our session was over. :( Had it not been for Luke's cute pics, I would have chalked the whole hour up as a waste of time....I am not in love with any of the other shots I got of each of the kids separately. Maybe we'll try again when everyone is feeling better. Poor Ellie has it the worst now. She has a mighty big cough for one little girl, that's for sure! She is sleeping terribly at night...waking every couple of hours either out of pain or her inability to breathe well. I've resorted to buckling her into her bouncy seat for sleep, since it is the only way she is inclined enough to breathe adequately. I feel horrible for her! I wish there was something more I could do for her other than the humidier, suctioning (which is just SOOO much fun, let me tell you!) and an occasional dose of Tylenol for pain. We are on day 11 of this cold in our house! Its worked its way through Luke, is half way done with Ellie and is now attacking Ty too. My throat has been scratchy for several days, but hoping it doesn't get much worse. We'll see. It just feels like we've been sick forever again....having to cancel playdates and activities in order that we don't 'infect' anyone else. I'm ready to get back to normal soon!

Oh yes....thinking back to when Luke first started to feel a bit yucky reminds me that that was the day that Sarah and Laura brought their kiddos over to play for awhile that morning. (Not that they got us sick or fact, I am thankful that we didn't get them sick!!!) Its been so long, I nearly forgot that I snapped a couple of pictures of Ellie and Maddie again. Aren't they cute! I look forward to watching them grow up together...hopefully becoming great friends like her mommy and I are! :)


Big brother Luke wanted in on the action too....

Looking at these pictures makes me think that Ellie's gonna have my big 'ol head. Anybody remember that story???? She sure has a noggin on her, doesn't she?! :)

Anyway, my friends...that's 'bout it from me for today. I'm still playing catch up on my blogging, so I'll have to tell you about our trip to the zoo a little later on...and a little story about Luke's ride home then too! Until then.....


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear you all have been sick for so long. Get better soon! It is great to see you in the pictures - your hair has gotten so long. Ellie is so adorable and is growing so much.


Anonymous said...

I don't know the big 'ol head story....remind us, please. I don't think her head looks big. She's adorable and how sweet she looks in that outfit I sent you...Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sorry the previous message was from me.