Sunday, September 16, 2007

Its been a month....

...since little Miss Ellie Belly made her debut. Happy one month birthday, my sweet pea! I can't believe that an entire month has already past! It certainly doesn't seem that long! It feels like a week or two. Crazy. I just hope that all the months don't go by this quickly, but I'm afraid that they probably will. :( Can't we just press pause on the dvd player of life for awhile??? Wouldn't that be wonderful?! She's so cuddly and sweet....I adore my moments of snuggling her close and taking in her sweet smells as I nuzzle her. I wish I could bottle up her scent for a time to come when I can no longer recall it. I wish I could somehow capture and save our moments together, just her and I. She is so, so, so precious. I just love her to the depths of the sea! Yesterday, while she was in the first little outfit that I purchased for her before she was born (she finally fits into it now, and was wearing it for our special bbq lunch with all my family) I decided that I needed to take a few pictures of her to commemorate her 1st month. I plan on doing this each month, just as I did for my belly shots, so that at the end of the year I can put one of these together for her, just as I did for Luke. Remember this?
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Don't you think Ellie kind of looks like Luke in his third month (March) picture? They are starting to resemble one another in their baby photos. And I think its official....she's gonna be keeping those blue eyes of hers. They are growing bluer by the day! Right now they are a beautiful shade of cobalt blue....deep and dark! Love 'em! Here are a couple shots from yesterday...
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She's getting to be a little chunky monkey! :) hehe. My favorite part (and the only reason I know that she is packing on the ounces) :) is that she's got those adorable little rolls and folds on her thighs! I LOVE those! Luke NEVER had rolls and folds...he had wrinkles! He never got to be a chubby little guy, so I'm secretly hoping that Ellie kinda becomes a chunker. :) For a little while, anyway! :) We'll see how much she's gained at her one month well baby checkup on Thursday.

And I couldn't post pictures of Ellie without having at-least one of my bubba-loo....
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Would you get a load of those lashes!!!!!!!!!
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I swear that the kids lashes grow as fast, if not faster than the hair on his head! They are to DIE for! They're beautiful! I'm not sure that the picture does them justice. They are incredible! The envy of any woman, that's for sure!

Seeing that Ty is now back at shoveling more dirt in the backyard, and I'm feeling a little guilty for not helping, I'm going to get going. We've been at the dirt-moving again today and we're almost done. Many hands makes for light work, so I think I'll go help him finish up. We took a break for lunch and to get Luke down for a nap, but it's time to get back to work. :) After today, our next step will be renting a trencher to dig for the sprinklers and then its SOD TIME!!!! They days of a dirt pile for a backyard are nearing their end! Hooray!

Ok...'nough's back to digging for me. Just wanted to share Ellie's pics and celebrate her 'birthday'. Hope you're all having a great Sunday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the updated pic on the McLaughlin banner!
Happy 1 Month Birthday, Ellie! Don't grow up too fast.

Time does fly by doesn't it? I can barely remember last Thanksgiving, when Brayden was only 6 days old. It seems like a dream.

Her eyes really are beautiful!
