Thursday, September 27, 2007

I think its working!

My attempts to do the whole Babywise thing again....with Ellie. It worked like a charm with Luke...I've never, ever had sleeping problems with him, aside from the normal phases that kids go through. But I was beginning to doubt that it was/is going to work as swimmingly the second time around.

Last night was another great night with Ellie! I had her bathed, pj'd and fed all by 7pm and she slept on through until 12:15am!! That's over 5 hours, people!!!! That's unheard of thus far for her, so I was more than pleased when I heard her crying (softly!) for me at midnight. I mosied to her room, she took a great feeding and I was even well rested at that point, for having gone to bed at 9:30 myself! Not bad....not bad at all. She woke again at 4am (another nearly 4 hour stretch!!!) to eat and then again at 5:30 (not so long, but that's ok) and then we were up for the day at 6:30. I am beyond thrilled!! She's napped great and eaten alright today too. Maybe...just maybe we've come into a routine here. Hoping tonight is as good! I'll let you know!

Short post for me today! Sorry! But hey....I'm just proud of myself for posting two days in a row...aren't you?! hehe!

Oh...and by the way....speaking of sleep....Luke is working on a nearly THREE hour nap as I type! How cool is that! Am I lucky, or what!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't commented in a while...been busy with school, homework and stuff like that. Anyways, glad to read that you guys are doing alright! I hope that you continue to get more sleep and that routine works for you!! I'll keep it in my prayers! Talk to you later!
