Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Its my Blog Centennial!

Yup...that's right...this marks my 100th post since I began blogging at the beginning of the year. So, happy Blog Centennial to me! :)

Being that it is WEDNESDAY and all, I figured you might like an update on our weekend. Sheesh. I hate not being able to blog more regularly. I end up forgetting all of the fun, smaller details of our days...the funny things Luke says or the sweet moments (yes..there ARE still sweet moments with him...more so lately than in the last few weeks!) and my blogs tend to get filled up with the more major stuff. :( I like more of a balance between the big and little 'stuff'. Maybe I'll have more time after the holidays?????

Anyway....our weekend....our weekend??? Oh yes!!! Grass, Thomas and San Diego. Yes, I remember. Friday was our day to lay the sod! Ty and I worked out booties off for a solid 5 hours and managed to lay nearly all the sod before dark. We had to bust out the big 'ol work light for the last little section, since the time change left us in the dark by 5:15! But we finished it and WE NOW HAVE GRASS!!!! HOORAY!!!! It was really cute....on Saturday morning (err...maybe it was Sunday?) Luke threw open the curtains, looked out the window and exclaimed, "Look Mom! The grass is beee-uuu-tee-ful!" And he was right on the IS beautiful! After staring at dirt for 11 months now, seeing GREEN in my backyard is a sight for sore eyes! I love, love, love it! There is life there now...even the birds have decided to venture in! Love that!

After all that sod-laying on Friday, Ty and I were both mighty sore on Saturday. Sod is heavy stuff!!! It was well worth it though! And Saturday morning was Thomas the Train day, so there was no slowing down! Despite almost being late for our 10:20am train ride (Luke had to make a pit-stop before we even got there, AND had an accident, so we had to stop for 'fresh' pants), our day out with Thomas was a hit! I actually got misty eyed when we first arrived as I watch Luke's face light up with delight when he first laid eyes on Thomas! He was SOOOO excited! Luke is enamored with trains to begin with and to see a 'real Thomas' up close and personal was the ultimate treat for him! Every detail made him smile. It was certainly a day to remember! It made a strong impression on his young heart. Even today, he was STILL talking about it and eager to tell Miss Nicki and Miss Tara at My Gym all about his Thomas adventures. Sweet boy! I put together another little montage of the day....

After Thomas on Saturday, we decided to lay low on Sunday morning and just hung around the house most of the morning, until I had to leave for San Diego and Krystal's closing ceremonies for the Breast Cancer 3-day. Just Ellie and I went, and we carpooled with Will and the twins, so it was actually quite nice. She made it though, despite feeling incapable (her words, not mine) and wanting to quit on Saturday. I am so proud of her...SIXTY miles is a LONG way to walk! I didn't end up getting home until well after 9pm, but I was glad that I went...Krystal was happy to see us all there waiting for her at the end of such a LONG three days!

And before I knew it, our weekend was over! Ty was back at work on Monday, Sarah brought Hudson over to play awhile and then it was back to the daily grind. :P Luke was a little pistol when Sarah and Husdy were here though....I guess he decided that since he hadn't had a meltdown in awhile, Monday was the day. It bummed me out that he couldn't really enjoy having his buddy over to play. :( It had been so long since they'd seen one another too. But Luke must've been tired, because the temper tantrums lasted LONG after Sarah left and he ended up napping for over 3 hours that afternoon.

Tuesday and today have been normal days for us...just staying busy with preparing for Thanksgiving and the SEVENTEEN people who will be coming to our home! :) Thankfully, for it being our first real Thanksgiving that we've ever hosted, the burden won't be too heavy, as everyone is chipping in and bringing things. Ty and I are just providing the turkey, a few sides/appetizers, drinks and a clean house! :) It will be nice to have our family close....his mostly, actually.

Well, my is now 4:14pm, the sun is setting and my Luke is not up from his nap yet. This time change has really messed things up in the nap department. I suppose I should go wake him, for fear that we won't sleep well tonight if I let him snooze longer. I relish this quiet though. I hate waking up my kids! But I probably should, so I will go for now. Hope he wakes happy! :) Wish me luck....

1 comment:

Heidi Crocker said...

Luke looks SO CUTE. He is all smiles. I can only imagine how that made your heart melt. I can't wait to see you guys soon and to meet Miss Ellie, she is beautiful. :-)