Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Wake up time for me was a bit earlier than normal this morning....5:15. :( Oh well. Ellie has taken a liking to that particular time of the morning and its now a typical fussy/"I want to eat" time for her. Usually, I'm able to pacify her hunger with the mobile or the binkie for awhile to try to stretch her to our normal wake time of 6:15/6:30, but not today. She was a hungry pumpkin. So I opted to feed her and attempted to lay back down with her, but there was no going back to sleep for me. Too much running through my 'mommy brain'. So here I am at the computer instead...with her fed and swaddled in her swing and Luke (hopefully) snoozing awhile longer.

Actually, sleeping for Ellie has been going quite swimmingly lately! In fact, on Sunday night I was only up with her once at 2:15!!! I put her down at 8, she was up for a feeding at 2 and then down for the rest of the night until our normal wake time of 6:15! Not too shabby, eh?! I was quite pleased with her! It seems that our routine and my efforts to organize her sleep patterns is paying off finally! SUCH a good feeling! She hasn't quite repeated the feat yet this week, but now that I know she is capable of it, I'm sure that more of the same isn't far off! I foresee more than 3 or 4 consecutive hours of sleep in my near future! Hallelujah! :) hasn't been all that bad, actually. (Except for the nightmarish week of her growth spurt a short time ago...that WAS bad!) Everything about this second child has been so much easier than it was with Luke. Must just be that I know what to expect and I've been through it before. I'm so thankful that its easier. And I'm so, so, so thankful that she is SUCH a good baby!! Boy! Did I luck out on that one! At-least so far! She still hardly cries, unless she's starving or really uncomfortable, and even then, its usually just momentary. She's just an easy baby. Thank you, Lord for blessing me with an easy baby!!!

Now that she is 6 1/2 weeks old, we decided to introduce her to the bottle over the weekend. Pumped breast milk, of-course.
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Now I'll at-least have the option to be away from her for more than 2 hours at a time, if the opportunity presents itself. She did fairly well with the new experience, but I think more milk ended up down the front of her than it did in her tummy! :) She took about 2 ounces, which I'm guessing is about normal for her. I did a little experiment and pumped while Ty was feeding her to see how much I typically produce at each feeding. I pumped 5 oz. When I pump after she's eaten, I usually get about 3 ounces, so I'm figuring that the difference (2 oz) if pretty normal for her. Doesn't seem like much, does it? But I guess its enough to grow on, 'cause she's becoming a little chunker! :)

Lets see...what else happened over our weekend???? It was cool and cloudy for a few days, which put us in the mood for soup, so I made Minestrone on Friday for dinner. Now before you go and think I'm so amazing for making soup from scratch, just know that it was one of those mixes from a bag that you just add water to and simmer! :) But Luke LOVED it! Especially playing with the noodles....see!
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Ty and Luke decided the cool weather called for a boys-only nap in our bed one afternoon too.
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They were so adorable all bundled up and snoozing together. I love my boys! :)

And Ty caught me with the kiddos later that day snuggling on the couch.
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One of a very few pictures of me with both of them! I'm usually the one behind the camera. I hate that part! I'd love to have some cute shots of us together. Maybe a date with the kids and the self-timer on my camera is in order sometime soon? We'll see. I have a feeling that taking self-portraits won't be quite as simple as it was with just Luke and I. Ellie might make it a bit more complicated. I guess we'll just have to try it out and see.

Did you see that I changed the "This time last year" photo? Hasn't Luke changed?! I was shocked to see how he's grown over the year! You forget how quickly they change until you start scrolling back through old photos! Crazy to think that we were just moving out of the Highland house and in with my parents at this time last year! It doesn't seem that long ago....the time is going so quickly!!

Well...I guess that's about it for now. Luke should be up soon. We have My Gym this morning and then we have to run by Goodwill to drop off all the clothes I weeded out of my closet last night. I still am far off from fitting into my pre-Ellie clothes, but I had to go through them to see what was there. After not seeing them for so long, I had forgotten what I had, and it was a great opportunity to sift through and get rid of stuff I will no longer wear. I got rid of 2 huge sacks worth!! After I get all this extra weight off, maybe I can work on building up a cuter wardrobe. Slowly, of-course, since money is tight! :)

Oh....I nearly forgot...I had an appt. with the dermatologist yesterday to get the stitches out of my foot.....good news! No cancer! :) Just some abnormal cells, but they've all been removed now. Nothing to worry about. :) I was happy to hear that and even happier to know that I don't have to go through that again. Blegh!

Alrighty....I'm off. Bye.

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