Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Another milestone day!

Welcome to August! This morning marks the biggest milestone of my pregnancy for me...I have now officially made it to August 1st and 36 weeks of pregnancy (if you're going by my own dates, rather than the OB's...he says I turn 36 weeks on Friday). From the moment we discovered that I was pregnant and we plugged our dates into those little online pregnancy calendars to learn of our due date, making to August 1st has been my ultimate goal! It was my fervent prayer request from all of you who offered to pray for me ..."Please just pray that I can make it to August 1st", I would ask. Please....please, please! For I knew that if my body could make it this far, I was home-free! And today I have!!!!!!! Praise be to God for answered prayers and provision! He has been so good to me!!

Now what will my prayer requests entail???? Sustenance and a positive attitude. Ha!!! Oh....and could we toss in a little less discomfort???? LOL!!! Yes....I am getting what I prayed so diligently for, and ultimately, a healthy baby is the only thing that matters, but geez!!! My threshold for tolerating my aches and pains is rapidly diminishing! I am uncomfortable, sore and constantly boiling! And I know, I know.....par for the course. Poor Ty....I was in such a foul mood when he got home last night too! Every word out of my mouth was laden with grumpiness. So much so that he just had to giggle at me. I didn't think I was so funny, but from an outside perspective, I can see the humor. I'm normally not one to walk....err....waddle...around grumbling so much (by the way, Ty says I've now surpassed the waddling stage. Apparently now, I just do the pregnancy shuffle!! Nice.) But last night, I was a whole other creature! I had just had it with my threshold had been reached and I was not a happy camper! After I finished my computer work (at a late 9:45, I might add!) I made my way to the couch, plopped down with my head on his lap and begged for sympathy! :) Being my knight in shining armour that he is, he rubbed my back and gave me tons of it! Love you, Babe! :)

Annnnyyyyyway....all that to say that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Only 16 more days left. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

My OB appointment on Monday went well. I ended up having to see the NP, since Dr. Hage had to be called away to the hospital for another mamma who decided to go into spontaneous labor a few days before her scheduled c-section date. She was scheduled for Thursday (just like I will be) but her body was apparently ready on Monday, so Monday became her day! The scenario was a perfect lead-in for my questions about the same exact thing. I would have never thought of the idea of going into spontaneous labor until this weekend really, but the bigger and closer to the end I get, the more I think it's a definite possibility. Who knows, after all. All this is uncharted territory for my body.....who knows how it will react. Basically, if I go into labor, Dr. Hage will just come in and perform my c-section that day instead. No big deal. We're all ready here at home anyway....she can come anytime as far as being 'prepared' goes. It is neither here nor there for me. Just as long as Ty can make it home from work in time to be there, if its during the week. I'm still assuming I have 16 more days though.

By the 'stats' from my appointment were great.....BP was still a normal 112/72 and Debbie (the NP) estimated Ellie's weight at somewhere around 6lbs. "She's certainly not a moose in there. She's pretty petite." she said. But hey....6 lbs IS a moose to me! Petite??! Not when your first baby was only half that size!!! 6 pounds is perfect!!! I start my weekly visits now and will see Dr. Hage again on Monday. I will discontinue my baby aspirin therapy tomorrow in preparation for surgery too. No extra bleeding necessary, thank you very much! And I found out that I won't be lucky enough to enjoy the new OB wing being built at the hospital. :( They are still running a bit behind schedule and the new wing is now not scheduled to open until mid-September. Bummer.

As far as things at home....I think Luke is getting a bit of a cold. :( I pray that he doesn't decide to share it with me! He has just a bit of a runny nose and has been pretty moody the last few days, which is SO like him when he's coming down with something. I'm guessing church on Sunday was the culprit. But other than the runny nose, he's been his sweet, active self. We played Play-Doh and watercolors yesterday afternoon after we ran some errands, and then had a picnic dinner on the floor in the family room, which he loved. And he is currently sitting in his little recliner in the family room, reading "We're going on a bear hunt" to himself. I love, love, love his new little interest in books. I often find him sitting with one spread out on his lap, reciting the story from memory to himself (with several parts missing, of-course!) Its adorable.

He's doing an incredible amount of pretend play now too, which is also fun to watch! Like when were are in my bathroom getting ready in the morning...he'll grab Ty's hand towel from the cabinet, go over to the corner by Ty's sink and "take a shower". He faces the wall, pretends to turn on the water, lathers himself up from head to toe and then grabs his towel to dry off, just as an adult would do. First drying his hair, then his arms and legs and he finishes off with wrapping the small towel around his waist. Hehehehe....he's so silly.

Some other favorite things he does or says right now......whenever he wants to do something or has an idea, instead of asking "Can I...." or "Are we going...." he always says "Shall we....." "Shall we have a snack?" "Shall we go in the car, Mom?" "Shall we go to Target?" Such a polite way to speak! I'm not sure why he began saying it that way...I'm sure it was by accident, but its has stuck and I love it! Another funny matter what....every time he has to poop, he tells Ty or I to "Doe in da office" while he does his business. He wants privacy, apparently. He'll pee with us in the room with no problem, but when it comes to the other, we must vacate the premises! :) Ha! :) Silly kiddo! Potty training is still going swimmingly, btw. Having an accident is a very rare occurrence these days. He's becoming a little pro...even at dressing and undressing himself when it's time to go. Good boy!

Okay....welll I think that's it for now. pictures today. I've got to get myself in the shower and ready to get moving this morning. Tess has a vet appointment in just a bit and then Luke and I have a date for lunch at Chipoltle! :) Mmmmmm.....crispy tacos! Today is free taco or burrito day! If you have San Diego Zoological Society Passes (aka Zoo or Wild Animal Park passes) you just show your id and they'll give you a free meal! Sweet! :) We might just have to see if they'll allow us to do it twice and have dinner on them too! We love Chipoltle!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Hooray for 36 weeks! Quite the accomplishment Kris! We'll continue prayer that she stays in there until the 16th and that your tolerance for your aches will suffice until that beloved day.

Just remember to breathe and take "baby" steps...pardon the pun.


Anonymous said...

Hope to hear soon that you are feeling better, but glad that you passed some 'milestones'. Guess that God is listenin' huh?? :) Those Luke stories are too cute! Gotta run, but I'll keep ya in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

One big smile for you the whole time I was reading your accounts of the blessed state of pregnancy at his best! I praise GOD for your journey this far every day. I used to ask Krystal every time I saw her how you were doing, than I just knew you were doing great, because I didn't here that Ellie was here yet. Now I am certain when that little princess arrives, it will be the perfect time. I know your uncomfortable, but gosh, there are only 10 days left! Try to rest, even if it just means sitting and not sleeping. Your body will need it. Luke sounds like he's going to be a great big brother! Well sweetie, I will let you go, as always my prayers are with you and Ty and little Luke. Baby E, will be here before you know it. God be with you as you ready yourself for this precious little one's home coming. God bless all of you. (Miss you) Love ya Becky