Friday, January 26, 2007


It's Friday! Hooray! That means that we can look forward to some family time with Daddy! :) We love the weekends solely for that reason. Unfortunately though, I am scheduled to work tomorrow all day, so Luke will get some special one-on-one time with his Daddy. I think its good that they get that time. Its important to them both!

Speaking of Daddy, as we speak, Luke is standing on the chair looking out the window as Daddy takes the trash cans out for trash day. My little pajama-clad, bed-head boy is just so stinkin' cute standing there right now, silhouetted by the bright morning sun, and knocking on the window to capture Daddy's attention! Cute picture...too bad the camera isn't handy!

Anyways.....So what's on the agenda for today? Hmmm...let's see. We plan to just get ourselves ready this morning and head out around 10 to drop off the photos I took on Saturday to my 'client'. (Kinda funny to say it that way...she's really a friend of a friend, but technically she is my client now that I'm officially a little business. Silly.) After that, Luke and I will pick up some sandwiches from our favorite little deli and meet Auntie Krystal and the babies for an impromptu picnic in the park. It's been beautifully sunny and warm the last few days, so we thought we could ALL benefit from a little fresh air. Looking forward to seeing them AND enjoying one of my most favorite sandwiches! BLT! Mmmmm! Yes...I am most certainly pregnant! Absolutely EVERYTHING sparks my interest in food! No sickness for me! I'm still eating like a horse! But even that seems to have tapered off a bit in the last week or so. Things are starting to normalize in that department! I am nine weeks today. (9 1/2 if you're going by the computer, but the OB says nine, so I'm going with that one.) A random thought from yesterday...I was thinking how crazy it is that I am nine weeks along and that is just about how early Luke was. Nine weeks is a LONG these last nine have been. They've gone by slowly. I'm looking forward to time picking up the pace just a bit and anxious for this belly to pop out so I can enjoy it! I'm one of those who LOVES a pregnant belly! I can't wait to more obviously show!

Sorry...kinda got off track there! Let's see....oh yeah....after our picnic, we'll head home for a nap and wait for the the window covering guy to come for our design and estimate appointment at 3:30. We've been in this house exactly 1 month and 10 days and we STILL have not put permanent window coverings up! That's one thing that I need serious help with....window coverings are NOT my thing. So hopefully, this guy will have some good ideas for us.

Guess that's 'bout it for today! Time to grab some breakfast and 'shake a tower' (that's McLaughlin-ese for take a shower, by the way!). Hope ya'll enjoy your weekend!

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