Thursday, December 17, 2009

Praying for a Christmas Miracle

I will come back later today to share some fun and happy details of Luke's Christmas program at school today, but for now, I come with a heavy heart asking again for prayers for Angel. Over the past weekend, Angels intestines began deteriorating with lots of bleeding, pain and fevers. The doctors have given his little body until this Friday (tomorrow) to decide whether or not to go back in for surgery on Monday to remove his small intestine. At this point, they feel that the damage to his intestines is too great and the risk of keeping them inside his body too high. Should they choose to remove the intestine, I believe this means that Angel will then be placed back on the transplant list for another triple organ transplant, as no intestine necessitates Angel being put back on TPN for nourishment and TPN is very harsh on a transplanted liver. It all seems like a downward spiral and hope is very low in the Perrenoud household. :(Especially with Christmas just a few days away and so many other special holidays already missed. Please join me in praying for Angel today....for less bleeding from his intestines, for less pain and for his fevers to disappear. Please also pray for God's strength for Nick, Sarah, Angel, Hudson and Haven. They need our support now more than ever!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I will pray with you today and continue to pray for Angel and his family. I cannot even fathom in the slightest what they must be going through. If there is anything I can do from Northern Cal just let me know.