Sunday, May 17, 2009

I had to do it....

I think I earned the mean mom of the year award this evening! :( it felt that way. I finally got the breaking point with Ellie's binky and poked a large hole in the end of them both (there are only two remaining from the stash we once had). And let me just tell you how awful I felt when, after popping it into her mouth while I changed her into her jammies for bed, she took it out, stared at it with great confusion, and popped it back into her mouth again, only to repeat the process about 10 more times. :( It was so sad to see that look on her face, and yet kinda funny at the same time. I just felt so mean!

She has grown increasingly attached to the darn thing in the past month. Instead of working towards getting rid of it (Luke's was gone by 18 months, by the way!) she has managed to have it in her mouth every possible moment lately. And I know most of that is my own fault! She seems to go through spells (more like WEEKS it seems) of crying for no apparent reason (which Amy helped me determine was most likely an attention-getting scheme while she was here visiting last week) and to be quite honest, it is driving me crazy, looney and otherwise insane! And the only thing that usually quiets her? You guessed it...the binky! So, cutting my loses, I give in to the bink-fest and allow her to have it outside of her crib (which has been the rule for awhile now.) I guess until tonight, I have been afraid of the alternative...the great potential for un-ending crying....the possibility of sleep deprivation and the high likelihood that I might loose my mind! LOL!

But push came to shove this evening when she refused to eat her dinner without having the binky in her hand (for the second night in a row, mind you!) and I could take it no longer. The plug got poked! And what, you might ask, happened after that???? My darling, sweet, intelligent little girl was found fast asleep in her crib, with a binky in one hand, another in her mouth, and the index finger of her other hand conveniently pushed through the end of her Soothie pacifier, plugging up the hole! Great! On to plan B...


Laura said...

Kinda funny! She is such a smart cooki - Figuring out how to stop up the hole! What's plan B? Hope you find a resolution!

Anonymous said...

Okay that made me laugh! I know it is not funny with the endless crying..I feel your pain on that one. But, she is too cute. Ah, well at least she might find her finger instead of using her binky!
Love Heidi

Anonymous said...

Bright side...she is smart!! I am so sorry that did not work out as intended.

Plan B...cold turkey?

Anonymous said...

That was from me...Amy

Anonymous said...

I knew she was smart, but that takes the cake!!!! I did have to laugh at the whole story though---it's funny to read, but I know it's not funny to live through. Do you HAVE a plan B?????
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I giggled too. Just at the plug part though! Sheesh. We'll be praying for a successful plan B! -SJ